nightstand nightmares

We've never had a nightstand. When we were in a studio it was out of the question since our bed went wall to wall (yeah, the apartment was that tiny). Since we moved to our spacious two bedroom, it's really just been a project we've been putting off.

So when I saw this at a local thrift shop I thought it would be perfect.

We picked up some gray paint from Home Depot and new knobs. We sanded it down and were planning on two coats, but one coat looked fine so we left it at that. 

I'm really happy with how it turned out. I think the lamp might be too big. Is it just me or is it throwing off the proportions? The rest of the wall above the bed is still plain, so I'm looking for something to put there. Suggestions are welcome. 

paper flowers

I saw this tutorial linked on Delia Creates and decided to try it myself. At first glance the instructions looked a little confusing, but they're actually really easy. I didn't have any maps so I used newspaper instead. I think I might try some with magazine pages and see what they look like.

Because it was newspaper, the edges creased differently than in the tutorial and my flowers are not as sharp. I think the magazine paper might do better since it's a little heavier.

respect the sprouts: quinoa

Quinoa is not a grain. Apparently, it's part of the goosefoot family which makes it related to beets and spinach. Quinoa has a crazy high protein content and is gluten free. It also tastes amazing with nothing on it, which is a rare find.

Whenever I have quinoa in the house I put it on everything. Tossing a few spoonfuls into a spinach and turkey salad adds flavor, texture, and extreme health benefits.

{spinach leaves, turkey, quinoa, tomatoes, avacado, scallions}


I disconnect without meaning to. Forced to separate. Build my own shelter beyond the city gates. Count seven days. If you watch me from the comfort of your brick and mortar. Electric miracles. I'll never know. I take precaution and cover my secrets with blankets. I hide my flesh.

An imagined figure taps against me from the inside. Looking for attention. Knocking as if at a neighbors front door. I'm not sure we're friends. Ideas expand with no outlet. Pushing against the limits of my skull. Over the counter medications have no effect. I beg but. Though I yell. I cannot hear my voice about the knocking.

I trace. Your face. The space you fill. I race. Against a nameless enemy. I chase the numbers on the screen and work towards a faster pace. I tell you to drive safely. Just in case. My words have power. 

fooled by february

It happens every winter. I get through January and start congratulating myself on a winter well handled. I start looking through spring collections and thinking about summer vacation. It's always just as I'm about to fold up my bulky sweaters and pack them away that it starts to flurry. There's now three inches of snow in Toronto and all I have to wear are t-shirts.

I'm usually too busy sticking my tongue out at the weather channel to take advantage of end of season sales. But this year I'm in the market for a new wool coat. I've had my coat for three years and, if the ripped lining didn't sway me, I'm kind of over the puffy shoulders. I want something more slimming and adult.

This is not it.

Pretending for a moment that it's not $400 on sale, it's really not the timeless classic I'm looking for. But the bangle sleeves and sweater collar is calling my name. I'm a sucker for a weird collar.......

respect the sprouts: snow peas

I've always been a gym person, but it wasn't until I got pregnant that I realized nutrition was something I had never thought about. I used to eat two meals a day, pop a multi-vitamin instead of lunch, and enjoy a few too many chocolate bars. Pregnancy gave me the excuse I needed to learn more about how to eat to be healthy, not just workout. So even though I'm back to eating for one, I try to keep our food choices healthy, easy, and delicious. 

Welcome to respect the sprouts. Today's edition: snow peas. 

Lunch is the hardest meal. Breakfast and dinner you eat with your family, which by default requires planning. But during the day it's just me, and making myself real food seems like a hassle. Simple lunches like this one means I'll take the five minutes to make it and I'll have energy for the rest of the day. I take some time at the beginning of the week to slice up a bunch of vegetables to cut down on even more prep time. 

pumpernickel bread, turkey, lettuce, tomato, sprouts, avocado, almonds, snow peas